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Vision Solutions Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Just as your body goes through physical changes as you get older, so do your eyes.

The Effects Of Blue Light

Nearly two decades into the 21st century, most of us have nightly rituals that include checking our smartphones before bed.

Keratoconus And Eyesight

Do you remember in old cartoons when a character would see a delicious plate of food and his eyes would comically bulge out like footballs?

Blue Light and Our Eyes

What is your routine as you get ready for bed?

Contact lenses are safe, comfortable, and can change your lifestyle! However, taking proper care of them is crucial to your vision health.

Have you ever wondered if you see color the same way others do? Take this fun test and compare your score!

Is Blue Light Bad for Our Eyes?

How big of a role does a bright screen play in your nightly routine?

The Basics of AMD

For people age fifty and older, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of permanent vision loss.

Spotlight: Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of permanent vision loss for people over the age of fifty.

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